How To Get Only The Most Important Things Done This Year

Build momentum. Break it. Repeat.

Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
Ascent Publication


There are a lot of things you can do and things you can become. In fact, you can become and do anything — but not everything. You’ve got to choose.

And build momentum around your choice.

As some of you know, I am a big believer in momentum. It’s your best friend if you want to get anything done and it certainly helps me get stuff done.

But recently (in fact, during these holidays), I’ve learned that although momentum is a great tool to get most things done, sometimes you’ve got to break it.

Sometimes, you’ve got to start all over again. This piece will explain why.

What Momentum Is

Imagine that for some reason you need to push a plane down the road. It’s hard. It’s heavy. You try as hard as you can, but it doesn’t budge. Then you ask 40 body-builders to help you out. You push the plane together. It slowly starts to move.

You push harder. The plane moves a bit more. You push even harder. It moves another bit. Pretty soon, you’ll have it going.

Now try to stop the plane from moving. You yell at your body-builder friends to run around the plane and try to stop the plane from moving…



Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
Ascent Publication

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