How to Improve Your Environment to Help Influence Better Productivity

This is my three-step process to environmental influence.

Cosmin Angheluta
Ascent Publication


Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

There’s no workaround: motivation is the Holy Grail of productivity. For the last few years, I believed it too.

But motivation sometimes doesn’t matter. There are moments in which, even if your motivation skyrockets, you still work poorly, or you don’t work at all. You get distracted, lose focus, and wish to work better, but you just can’t.

For the last few years, one question rumbled through my mind over and over again.

How could I remain productive and achieve all my goals?

First, I thought I have to deal with motivation. So I searched for techniques to keep it at high levels. But still, I couldn’t reach my goals.

Sometimes because of procrastination, sometimes because of my poor organization — I always blamed something else. But lately, I realized that I was the problem. I always put myself in the wrong environment for working, studying, or whatever my plans were.

Whatever the goal, I put myself in the worst position to accomplish it. So I decided to change perspective and try another approach. That is when I first tried environmental influence.



Cosmin Angheluta
Ascent Publication

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @