How to Stay Calm When Raising Teens

A work in progress between parents and teenagers.

Karen karen
Ascent Publication


Do you feel like you don’t know who your teens are anymore?

Turning small creatures into worthy humans provides countless opportunities for confrontations.

It’s an up and down journey for most parents.

The majority of young mothers devote their time instinctively to their newborns. We provide all the necessary comfort and love required for them to feel secure, and as they grow older, we keep repeating the same process.

Except we forget that the details change according to age.

That’s what I did when I had my first girl. And then again, when I had my second girl four years later.

I was already a single mom by then. That’s a whole other story, but suffice it to say that although I did my best to provide for them, it was not a long walk in the park.

It was more like holding my breath while hiking Kilimanjaro.

Respect, solidarity, and generosity are values that I spent most of their life trying to instill in their small hearts.

Yes, you need love to grow a family. But it isn’t everything.



Karen karen
Ascent Publication

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today?