How to Kickstart Your Culinary Journey in 2020

First, cook for yourself and start small

Surendran Akambadiyar
Ascent Publication


If you love eating, you will enjoy preparing food. But the two do not go hand-in-hand. We love to eat a tasty meal but don’t want to be part of the cooking process.

If you are a beginner, cooking does seem like a chore. It was the same with me a few years ago. But it gradually changed when I got hooked and started enjoying my time in the kitchen.

It’s very easy to make excuses to avoid cooking. I used to make these excuses all the time — “I don’t have time to cook” or “Cleaning is a headache” or “Restaurant food is tastier” or “Takeaways are quicker.” But when you start enjoying your time in the kitchen, all excuses fade away.

Home cooking is the only healthier option as you have control over the ingredients. Anyway, this post is not to convince you about that. If you are reading this article, you are aware of the benefits of home cooking. So let’s get straight to the point- to get around your mental excuses and get your hands dirty.

Where do you start?

For me, it started due to necessity, briefly discussed here

