How to Know You Are Thriving Despite the Hard Times

You are probably doing better than you think.

Ascent Publication


Life sometimes can feel like an endless barrage of Molotov cocktails on loop (cue 2020/2021).

2019 was such a year for me. With my dad’s dementia diagnosis and other unsavory things that followed, I became an angry, apathetic, distracted, person floating through life.

My friendships, mental health, and creativity took a nosedive. Basically, I was the very personification of doom and gloom.

Fast forward to 2021 and things are looking up. Sort of. I mean nothing has changed. I am still out of school, still out of work, oh and my dad had to get brain surgery this year so that was fun.

Have I lost my mind yet? Surprisingly no. I mean it was a close call there but dare I say it, I am thriving (knocks on wood), and that in itself is a cause for a mini celebration.

When the bad days feel like they’re on endless rewind, we often miss the moment we are actually thriving.

Now, the moment can look and feel different to everyone, but here are some of the simple signs that show you are in fact thriving.

You are unfazed by failure.



Ascent Publication

Self-Development, Self-Improvement, and Marketing Writer. Voracious Learner, joyful coffee addict.