How to Love and Empower Yourself: Don’t Be a Somebody

Laura Gulbranson
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2018

Everybody wants to be a somebody, or so it seems. The appeal of the high life is alluring.

Success. Popularity. Influence.

However, being society’s poster child of a “somebody” does not equate to success, popularity, and influence. Being a somebody should not be our lifelong aspiration to find self-actualization. When the title of being a somebody becomes our goal, the reality of success becomes skewed. We become disillusioned when we live life striving for status.

In reality, we are all somebodies. But what’s even worse is when we fool ourselves into believing the lies of our mind’s insecurities: that we are nobodies:

- There’s no way I’m getting a lead and succeeding. I’m just a nobody right now.

- I’m just the underdog. I have to stick with dreams within my league.

- It’s hard to talk to rich, privileged people. They’ll never get what it means to be poor — to have nothing.

- The reason why they haven’t responded to me is because I’m a nobody. I have a small influence, no leverage that would be of use to them, little to offer…

- I’m just starting out as a nobody. I’ll be a somebody one day.

The sentiments listed above are not only misguided, but destructive.

Life is not about being a “no” or a “some”.

It’s about being an “all”.

“Do or Do Not. There is No Try” –Yoda

Stereotypical somebodies aren’t always allbodies.

When you are an allbody, you WILL find a way no matter what it takes.

You will research it. Practice. Fail. Then do it again until you get it right. You’ll leave your comfort zone to figure out what “best version of yourself” actually means.

There’s really no formulaic scheme. Allbodies figure out how to find success in their own way — whatever way that may be.

Don’t Be a Somebody

You can’t dabble and use “some” of your passion into a pursuit.

You might as well not pursue it all.

You need to give it your all in your work. In your lifestyle. In your relationships with the human beings whom you choose to be part of your journey.

The last part sounds pretentious. But I don’t mean it so.

If you want to be a beacon of love, hope, and all good things in the world that leads to self discovery and love:

You need allies. People who share the same passion and love as you do. There’s no room for negativity. Being an allbody means you leave what’s bringing you down behind.

Self worth — rising from “nothingness” starts when you decide that you will no longer be a slave to an impoverished mindset. A mindset that pins the rich against the poor and everyone in between — that pins YOU against yourself.

We choose to grow. In every moment. In every line we write.

The moment you feel that spark grow inside of you — a rewiring in your brain is created.

You are the only person who can empower yourself.

You are the only person who can decide to choose love and open your heart to help.

You’re not a nobody.

And you are not meant to be another somebody like me.

You were meant for greater: to do what you love and live your purpose with all you’ve got.

Life is short, but let’s make it long with a series of successes.

Being an allbody requires giving it your ALL. It’s rare, but attainable with a positive, growth mindset. Those who attain allbody status are the most successful.

In truth, I’ve fallen and trapped myself into thinking I’ve been a nobody — and at the same time — dabbling in the somebody mindset. I have been like this for a long time, waiting for a sign to give me confirmation to press forward.

I’m still working on taking a leap of faith into allbody terrain.

But the journey has to start now.

Call to Action:

Readers and writers: Be an allbody with me.

Things you can do to right now to rev your engine as an allbody:

1.Follow the Ascent: a league of documenters, journeymen and journeywomen. A voice for writers from all walks of life who are figuring out their purpose along the journey.

2. Remember your self worth and start writing YOUR story right now on Medium. Comment with the link to your story below.

3. Journey with me. Follow along with my stories: The Ordinary Love Story

Thank you so much for reading.

Spread the love. Success will fall next. ❤

