How to Make the Most of Your Writing Time

When you have a million ideas but no time to write

Lana Graham
Ascent Publication


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Too busy to write

I’m writing this while my one-year-old naps. I’ve managed to squeeze a few minutes to write in between tidying the lounge room, unpacking the dishwasher, having a shower and setting up a new computer in the office.

I feel guilty because I should be sending invoices, sorting the business mail, calling that guy about the quote.

Anything but writing this article.

I’ve got 20 draft blog articles on the go, but not enough time to finish writing them all.

Something has to give.

What’s the solution?

For me, it’s about prioritising. I’m a list person. I start my day by opening my planner and writing all the things I want to achieve.

I put a little checkbox next to each task because I love seeing that big tick ✔️ when I’ve completed a task.

It’s important to feel a sense of satisfaction.

Even if the completed task is something small like emptying the dishwasher, I still feel a sense of satisfaction when I tick the checkbox.

