Photo Credit: Tales of the Cocktail

How to Make Your #SMART Goals, SMARTER

“Don’t think or do anything without having some aim in sight; the person who journeys aimlessly will have labored in vain.” — Mark The Monk, On The Spiritual Law

William Ballard, MBA
Ascent Publication
Published in
13 min readMar 8, 2018


Many have heard about the concept of SMART goals, but only few have the know-how to take their goal-setting processes to the next level.

In fact, so many have missed the mark when it comes to goals because they have focused more on the idea of goal-setting rather than goal-achievement.

For instance, did you know that back in 2002 General Motors set a goal to increase their market share to 29%, which was a industry level that they hadn’t held since 1999.

In order to achieve this goal they offered crazy buying incentives to increase sales, and to keep the goal in the forefront of their employees minds — executives would wear lapel pins with the number 29 written on them.

One business analysts said that GM had become so focused on the goal that the firm undercut its own operations to try to achieve their target. But even with this kind of determination, GM still failed. And because of reckless decision making, they ended up going bankrupt and having to rely on a government bailout in order to keep them afloat.



William Ballard, MBA
Ascent Publication

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: