How To Manage Your Finances As A Freelancer: A Guide

Deya Bhattacharya
Ascent Publication
Published in
9 min readJan 11, 2020


Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush from Pexels

Here’s the deal — we all need to be smart about money, no matter how much we’re earning. This is especially true in the case of freelancers, whose monthly incomes aren’t fixed. Money management is a skill that we aren’t always taught in school and that we pick up, more often than not, by a process of trial and error. Every freelancer knows the sinking feeling that comes with a near-zero bank balance — luckily, with a little common sense and a little control over our spending patterns, we can make sure that that happens as infrequently as possible.

Most money-managing guides I’ve come across are all about “save, save, save”. Cutting down on expenses, finding cheaper ways to live. And that’s undoubtedly important. We should all save money, as much as possible. None of us should splurge needlessly to a point where we’re always overdrawn each month.

However, realistically speaking, money management shouldn’t just be about paring our expenses down to the bare minimum.

Instead, it should be about using our money wisely to maintain a lifestyle that we are comfortable with.

And yes, that includes treats and indulgences. It’s not humanly possible to cut out all indulgences , nor is it desirable— we all need healthy doses of pleasure. Plus, what may be an indulgence to one person may be a…

