
How To Overcome Loneliness And Enjoy Your Own Company

Sakshi Udavant (Luna)
Ascent Publication
Published in
13 min readNov 20, 2018


Losing yourself should never be the price of not being alone. — Sarah lyons

Even if everybody else leaves, you’ll always have you. So love yourself first, because that’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.


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Back in the pre-internet era, it was really hard to meet new people because connecting with someone outside of your immediate neighbours meant walking long distances spanning several weeks or even months.

But with the advent of social media and technological advancements in the field of transport and communication, it has become very easy to always be surrounded by people both physically and virtually.

We’ve become so used to being surrounded by people, that we have forgotten how to be alone by ourselves.

We feel like not having someone around means there’s something wrong with us, something’s missing in our lives. Any…



Sakshi Udavant (Luna)
Ascent Publication

Freelance writer and marketing consultant working with top-tier brands like PayPal, Mozilla, Insider, Digital Trends, etc. Get in touch: