How to Permanently Overcome Monday Blues

A simple change in perspective will surprise you

Anchal Sood, PhD
Ascent Publication


If you think about the last two weeks, can you recollect how you spent your Mondays? Did you have any solid wins or remarkable memories? Do you remember any highlights from the “first day of the week”? Or were they just miserable?

Now, how about Fridays on each of those weeks? I am sure you can pin down to minor details. The dress you wore for casual Friday or the bar you went to during happy hours.

Most, if not all, good things happen on Fridays. The last day of the workweek even has cool hashtags like Friyay and TGIF associated with it.

Monday, on the other hand, is often considered the worst day of the week. According to a study, Monday mornings are so depressing that employees only have about three-and-a-half hours of productive work time.

This is contrary to almost all other beginnings. Most new things in life excite us — a new relationship, parenthood, a promotion, the beginning of a vacation.

But not when it comes to the beginning of our week. We are elated when it is over and feel content about surviving it. Why is the ending better than the beginning in this scenario?



Anchal Sood, PhD
Ascent Publication

A scientist’s brain and a writer’s heart. I can’t change your life but my life stories can.