How to Read a 350-Paged Book in One Day

Techniques for an average reader to finish reading one book in 24 hours

Ruchi Das
Ascent Publication


Photo by awar kurdish on Unsplash

In 2015, I finished reading Sidney Sheldon’s 363-paged Tell Me Your Dreams in one day. Since then, I’ve made 24-hour book runs a part of my reading regime.

Basically, I choose one book to read in a day, and I’m done with it in 24-hours. This doesn’t necessarily mean I finish it before I sleep at night. But I keep a deadline of 24-hours to read a complete book from page-to-page. Till now, I’ve successfully replicated it to read one-book-a-day for several books. This not only ensures that I don’t linger around a book much longer, but it also allows me to read a lot of books in a short time. I’ve come to love these a-book-a-day runs.

In this article, I’ve shared the details of this technique. If you’re an average reader, you can use this approach to read any book up to 400-pages in 24-hours in the most immersive way possible.

What You Read and When is Important

The book I chose in 2015, Sheldon’s “Tell me Your Dreams”, is one of the best page-turners I’ve ever read.

Some other books I’ve read fast using this technique are Sandra Cisneros 110-paged A House on Mango Street, Albert Camus’s 123-paged The Stranger



Ruchi Das
Ascent Publication

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