How to Remain True to Yourself in a Relationship

My marriage died because I lost myself.


I was in a marriage for 30 years and I gradually lost myself. When I thought I was doing everything to give my husband a good life he left me for someone else. I was devastated. It has given me a lot to think about.

Most of us live in partnerships with a spouse or loved one. It can be wonderful to have someone with whom we can share our lives. But it is really important that in a relationship you remain true to yourself.

The disconnect between who we feel we have to be, and who we want to be, can lead to discontent in our lives. In fact, it can even lead to depression. Feeling we need to be something we are not can make us very unhappy.

This can happen in a relationship. Slowly, without noticing, we can change to please a partner and lose sight of our real self.

The problem is that we can push our true selves so far under the self we see we must be, that we can lose sight of who we truly are.

Here are 6 things you need to do to stay true to yourself in a relationship.

1. You need to serve yourself as well as your partner



Lindy Pegler
Ascent Publication

A high school teacher for years, I have Masters Degree in Psychology. My heart is the bush and the beach. I love writing and sharing my ideas on doing life.