How to Screw Yourself Over

Avoiding these few things is key.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readAug 20, 2019


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There are people walking around every single day screwing themselves over. They blame outside circumstances, but the truth is they have set the game up so they lose.

Setting up the game to lose is also known as screwing yourself over. I bet you know someone who screws themselves over. I met a guy in my career who did this to himself every day. It was sad to watch — worse than lowering my grandma’s casket into the ground at her funeral.

He’d show up at the office pretending to be someone he wasn’t and quoting the “customer first” nonsense that a business book told him to say (and that he’d never actually followed when he declined every call from a customer) because it seemed fashionable and advantageous for a man seeking power and perhaps a dash of fame on top of this tequila sunrise of a career.

One day he woke up and his tequila sunrise of a career was a hangover worse than the movie “The Hangover” and with metaphorical vomit down his shirt, a tiger in the passenger seat of his reasonably priced Ford, and a life of selfishness he couldn’t remember from, well, all the drinking of metaphorical cocktails known to you and I as distractions/addictions.

It was never his goal to become a horrible man. He should have been a nice dude with a small…



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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