You Need to View Life as a Compass, Not a Watch

Some advice I wish I could tell my younger (and older) self.

Max Phillips
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

“Living without an aim, is like sailing without a compass.” — John Ruskin

Life’s compass is always askew. Finding your true north is one of the never-ending battles we all face.

One day, I feel comfortable in my achievements. The next, it’s all gone south once more. It feels like I’m wasting time; the never-ending clock ticking on and leaving me behind.

Until I realised something.

The more I try and claw back this ‘time’, the more I am getting lost. Before I know it, I’ll have stranded myself out in the wilderness.

That is, in essence, what life is; finding your way through the wilderness — your purpose guiding you.

So, here are some tips I’ve used over the years that have helped me navigate life’s maze through university, graduation, and all the tumultuous times that come after it.

Streamline Your Reception to Advice

By all means, listen to others. Chances are, someone has something beneficial to say. One of history’s greats seems to feel the same way:



Max Phillips
Ascent Publication

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