How to Start a Bullet Journaling Habit in 2021

Here’s what I learned by BuJo-ing in 2020.

Alexander Boswell
Ascent Publication


Photo by Tom Rogerson on Unsplash

“The best time to start was yesterday. The second best time is now.”


The above quote doesn’t appear to have a source, but it does appear to be a revised version of the phrase attributed to ‘Chinese proverb’, “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now.” No matter the source, it’s something I tell myself whenever I find myself in a bit of a rut.

One of the main problems in life, at least for me, is kicking out bad habits and installing new, healthier ones. Does this sound familiar to you?

You wake up, maybe spend some time in bed looking through your phone’s notifications and end up on social media. The time flies by, and suddenly you’re feeling rushed to start the day. You either skip breakfast or pick up a boxed/unhealthy breakfast on your way to work. Then, you slog through the rest of your day. You’re never quite sure what you need to prioritize and why. Your days go by in a blur on this same loop.

That was me a little over a year ago, then I lost my job, and without the structure of employment, I became lost.



Alexander Boswell
Ascent Publication

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him |