How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Your Own Biggest Fan

Smart, simple strategies that lead to success

E. Clark Armstrong
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readSep 9, 2019


Last year, Snoop Dogg thanked himself in his Hollywood Star acceptance speech. He credited himself for all the hard work, for believing in himself, and for achieving the level of success he had achieved.

Why can’t we all have that same level of respect and admiration of ourselves?

Most of us believe we are capable of greatness, but there’s those nagging insecurities that make us feel that maybe we aren’t quite good enough.

What would happen if you removed self doubt and instead started being your biggest cheerleader?

When we focus on our shortcomings and fears, we’ll inevitably start doubting our abilities. But don’t worry- it’s easy to switch gears.

Here are 7 simple ways to start being captain of your own fan club:

Focus on Your Strengths

You know what they are. And you know what they aren’t. So play up your strengths and play down your weaknesses. You might not be able to change the oil in your car, but if you’re the #1 person your family comes to for tech help, then that’s valuable. Everyone has gifts and talents, and until you start focusing on yours, you’ll…



E. Clark Armstrong
Ascent Publication

I tell stories and write about how to make life better by tapping into wealth, health, & happiness.