How to track your life without feeling like a psycho

Sinem Günel
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readAug 16, 2018


“Charts with statistics on the screen of a laptop on a glossy surface” by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

If you would take my tracking apps from me, I would probably not know what to do with my life.

And the funny thing is that I just started tracking different parts of my life couple of months ago.

Why do I track certain parts of my life? 🌱

Because I want to improve on them. Simple as that.

I once read something similar like:

What gets measured can get managed

And I absolutely agree with this. I am a high achieving person. I want to grow, make the most of my life and build myself an empire that I am proud of. I guess there is no chance of achieving great things if you don’t know where your time, money and energy is floating.

Do you know those days when you feel super productive but see no outcome? Or other times when you felt unproductive for days or weeks and suddenly great things pop up? Well, if you do not keep track of your certain parts of your life, things will simply happen. And I definitely don’t want to let things happen in my life. I want to take control.

There are anyways so many things happening in our lives that we can not control and change at all. May it be environmental, sickness, economic reasons or whatever.

