How to Transform Your Life from Mundane to Magical

Haley Pace
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2019

I live in my own world. But so do you.

I am a glassy-eyed dreamer who is constantly scanning looking for meaning in everything. I smile at every spider I see because I consider them as a reminder of my own ability to weave together thoughts and ideas, how they weave together webs. I look for patterns in my daily world — numbers, words, images — and consider them as signs.

“You’re insane” “you live in la la land” — maybe so! It’s magical here. I like it here. It works for me. And your reality is just as malleable. You are composing your own world to create a home within. Create a whimsical one.

As a yoga instructor, at the front desk, when yogis come to check in for their classes, I get a peek into their realities. Yesterday, the 7pm Yoga Sculpt class was cancelled because the instructor could not find a sub. I was responsible for informing each of the hopeful yogis that there was no class, go home. I watched before my eyes as each yogi processed this information, in their own individual way, based on their individual reality.

Some were incensed — are you KIDDING me. I put on work out clothes and got out the door for THIS. My night is RUINED. The world is out to GET me.

Others took a more calm approach — okay, I’ll just pop by my friend’s house who lives near here until the next class. Alright, I’ll just take class tomorrow night! Well, it just wasn’t meant to be.

That was the most common phrase I heard from the yogis who processed the news more gently — it wasn’t meant to be. As though there’s some rhyme or reason behind this inconsequential event — class being cancelled. Those yogis who subscribed to that reality left searching for some meaning in this event. When they searched for that meaning, they found it. The night was meant for them to reconnect for a friend. To meal prep for the week ahead. To write that new poem they’ve been thinking of. Upon handling the news gracefully and subscribing to the reality in which there’s a reason this occurred, it opens up the possibilities of what else this night had in store for them.

When a class gets cancelled, how can I shift my reality into believing this is actually a blessing? What does this cancelled class open up for me? And when I step into that paradigm shift and begin to look out for reasons and ways that this is actually beneficial for me, does it deepen my experience of events afterwards?

In both groups of yogis, plans changed. But the angry yogis perceived it as a night ruined with no other meaning besides that the yoga studio was a horribly unorganized place. The other group took the instance as an opportunity to explore why this could have occurred, what potential this cancelled class could offer them.

It’s not a matter of whether or not things are truly meant to be, because we really will not know. We have to befriend that uncertainty. These secrets of life will not be revealed to us. Who knows — maybe it’s all random, with no rhyme or reason behind this sequence of events.

Since the truth is elusive, the question instead becomes — what is the version of reality I can believe in that grants me the most peace, the most inspiration, the most gentleness in accepting the events that come up?

The way I see it, we all came into this world, we should equip ourselves with the reality and the belief systems that allow us to move through it as joyfully and as productively as possible. If the way I see this world helps me see it as a more joyful, whimsical place, I don’t see a problem with it. From the trivial inconveniences to the truly earth shattering life events, taking part in a reality in which the situation is happening for a reason contributes to my own overall well-being.

For me, living magically means transforming any perceived inconvenience into a learning opportunity. It’s transforming the mundane into the magical. It’s actively searching for meaning (and finding it). It’s being graceful when things don’t go according to plan, for there is something better that is opening up because of this.

Your reality is negotiable. If it’s not working for you, transform it by transforming your relationship to it, your perception of it. A parking ticket from an overdue meter you received on your way to go meet up with your ex could be a sign that you shouldn’t stay places you don’t belong for too long. A cancelled yoga class could be an opportunity for you to swing by that frozen yogurt shop on your way home and bump into an old friend from undergrad. A spider could be a reminder of your own creative ability. When you look for meaning and patterns in your life, no matter how mundane they seem, you’ll find them.

And if it’s not the “truth”? What is the “truth”? Live YOUR truth, the truth that works for you, the truth that resonates within your soul and works in your reality — that’s where the magic is.

