How to Use Zanshin to Conquer Your Frantic Mind

Don’t lose focus until you reach success.

Amardeep Parmar
Ascent Publication


Created by the author — original images: Jase Bloor on Unsplash/ Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. We lose focus at the vital moment.

We all crave the loving embrace of victory. Have you ever felt defeat drag you away inches before you grasp it?

I have too and it sucks. It doesn’t have to be this way though.

The art of Zanshin has helped me and can help you too.

The Lingering Mind

Zanshin means the remaining or lingering mind. When your mind is in Zanshin, you are in high alert and ready to react.

Practicing Zanshin means staying focused regardless of what has happened so far.

It is irrelevant if you are winning or if you are losing. It is irrelevant if you are starting or near the end.

I learned the concept while training with Karate masters in Okinawa. It is popular across Japanese martial arts but has Zen Buddhism origins.

Senseis drill us to be mindful of Zanshin in Karate. Though it’s often more noticeable in its absence. Failure to keep your mind switched on ends badly.

The perfect example of a lack of Zanshin is from a popular TV show. I will be vague enough that if you know then…



Amardeep Parmar
Ascent Publication

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆