Tackling Your Bucket List 101

Alma Gonzalez
Ascent Publication
4 min readJun 19, 2018


Over the years, many of our bucket lists grow with things we want to do before we get too old and pass away.

Swim with sharks

Ride an elephant

Hike around 20 trails across the country

Complete 1000 piece puzzle

We tend to grow the list, but not actually do anything about it.

Why You Cannot Cross Things Off

Honestly, there are many reasons you (and I) have not crossed anything off your list.


No money.

Too far.

Afraid to do it alone.

Waiting on others.

Too young or too old.

Wrong time.

No judgment. Some of us get it.

These were some of my excuses over the years, but I realized this was the year.

I was tired of waiting for the right moment.

There is no right moment, but right now.

I have nothing to lose.

Except time.

But how was I going to do it all? Or at least some?

Get off your butt and take action

The first step to crossing things off is by actually doing them!

Instead of daydreaming about all the things you HOPE to do, get your booty up and move!

Here are some tips that can help find your bucket list groove.

Choose something inexpensive

Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash

Do things that you can afford at the moment and save the more expensive stuff for later.

Some things are free and cheap to do. Some aren’t.

Some of us have money. Some don’t.

Doing things that you can pay for early on will make you feel accomplished that you are actually scratching things off your list.

But, if you have something pricey on your mind, budgeting can be a great way to do “cha-ching” items on your bucket list.

My checked items: bake a cake out of scratch (cheap). 30 day yoga challenge (free). Camping (free in the backyard :) ).

Do it at the right time and weather

Seasonal things can make your list get shorter if you try.

Obviously, it might be a tad impossible to go skiing in Colorado during the middle of June or sunbathing during December in New York.

Strategizing what you are going to do in the season will easily shrink you uncompleted list each day.

My checked list:

Summer/Spring: hiked 8/20 trails, witness solar eclipse, go to the beach

Fall/Winter: build a snowman, ice skate for the first time, go to haunted house

Explore the closest unknown location

Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash

The coolest place might be under that rock next to you.

You might want to travel across the world, but have you looked at the cities around you?

I have yet to explore the entire city I have lived in for decades.

There might be some cool things to do close by that you have not even added to the list. Go check them out!

My checked list: Go to Coca-Cola World, Climb Stone Mountain, hike the Appalachian Mountains

Live the moment alone

It is okay to experience and enjoy the moment and smile…alone.

Even I have difficulty doing this since I love to enjoy my experiences with others.

However, waiting for others to match schedules with you can be time consuming and you might not have the chance to do anything on your list.

Find some things for a solo-doer and have at it!

Experience that moment alone…at least you will have something to talk about later on :)

My checked list: make a pizza, go to the movies, visit the zoo

In Conclusion

Everyone has their own bucket list they need a tackle.

Heck, not everything on this list has to be amazing either.

It can be as simple as writing a blog post everyday (one I am currently tackling) or reading a book every month.

But, like Nike says, “Just Do It!”

Call To Action

Question of the Day: Does this article make you want to cross things off your bucket list?

Follow, give it a clap, and leave a comment on what you have yet to accomplish on your list. I might just add it to my bucket list :)



Alma Gonzalez
Ascent Publication

23. The daytime Web Developer. The nighttime aspiring Writer/Blogger. Enjoy fitness, travel, hikes, food, photography, challenges, and sarcasm.