I Am a Teacher and Have Compassion Fatigue

Now, what should I do about it?

Estacious(Charles White)
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jake Colling on Unsplash

Compassion Fatigue: the physical and mental exhaustion and emotional withdrawal experienced by those who care for sick or traumatized people over an extended period of time-Webster’s

I teach. That is what I do daily. Since 1997 I've stood in front of classrooms in several different capacities. It's defined me and given me many gifts I didn't expect.

Throughout my career, I've worked in at-risk schools, which are schools with high poverty, low test scores, and little parental involvement. I picked this path for reasons I will save for another article. However, schools of this type tend to have a high incidence of students dealing with trauma, and teachers must deal with these issues daily.

It's a tough gig, eroding your spirit like water on limestone. But, it leaves deep grooves that you carry throughout your career. These define and develop you as you progress thru the profession. I am sure if you work with needy or traumatized people, you understand the point.

I recently experienced compassion fatigue in my classroom. I educate children who are incarcerated. The crimes they commit range from simple probation violations to murder. Some do these things because of trauma. My students don't deserve what they are…



Estacious(Charles White)
Ascent Publication

I am a southern writer and teacher living in the midwest. I focus on education, poetry, and fiction. I am an award-winning playwright. estaciousw1914@yahoo.com