I Don’t Own A House, Didn’t Build A Career… I Am 52 and Blissfully Happy

How to be a millionaire without having much money

Lucien Lecarme
Ascent Publication


Living in Ibiza. Photo: Lucien Lecarme

Sometimes I wake up, sweating, and I feel a dark fear around my heart. What if that money doesn’t come in to pay the next month rent? The anxiety is followed by shame.

A distant voice from the past slaps me in the face with the fact that I don’t own a house or have much savings. A man of my age must have made his wins in our Western society. He should be on the “safe” side. Own assets that work for him after working to achieve those assets.

To make things worse, I just started a new career, as an artist.

Are you kidding me?

That’s how the voice cynically pokes me. I know this reality check isn’t helping me at all, it is a very bad start of the day.

Until I open my bedroom door and walk onto the balcony on the front side of the villa, take the 180 degrees panoramic sea view in while stretching my arms towards the blue sky. I greet my 6 wild cats and walk around the house naked since there is nobody around. I live in a natural park in Ibiza and am not a millionaire.

I do have some millionaire friends. One of them told me recently that I am really a millionaire. Since I seem to have time for…



Lucien Lecarme
Ascent Publication

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