I Have Realized That A Good Life Need Not Be Exciting

And that an exciting life need not be good

Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readFeb 8, 2021


When the quarantine first started, the prospect of having to spend all day locked up at home loomed largely. I wasted away the first few weeks gaming, watching YouTube on autoplay, and scrolling through social media feeds for the most part.

I remember sitting on my haunches every evening and sifting through my contacts to find someone, anyone to call. I had become bored of being bored.

Fed up, I decided to make the most out of the situation. I discovered new passions such as writing on Medium and rekindled old ones such as reading.

Before I even knew it, I found myself busy all day and enjoying my days. I went from desperately trying to kill time to gasping for time.

Now the lockdown’s lifted. Restaurants, pubs, movie theatres, and other places of recreation have opened up. Everyone's moving about but I don’t feel the tug to run around outside like I used to.

My present daily life is something most would term “boring” but it makes me happy, in fact much more than my pre covid life which included binge-watching, going out, staying up late into the night, etc.

The Fundamental Distinction We Need to Make

