I Live For Inspiration

Cole VanDeWoestyne
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2017

Inspirational Video @ The Bottom.

Seems pretty trendy anymore doesn’t it?

Well to be completely honest with you… it is. It’s extremely trendy now. People absolutely love the thought of being inspired, motivated and encouraged to do bigger and better things with their lives.

This actually makes me quite happy… for now.

We all know that good things must come to an end right?

I Hope Not.

I love this movement that is sweeping the entire world. People are going out of there way to improve their life and I really can’t see anything wrong with that.

Can you?

So Why Do I Live For Inspiration?

I actually get asked this question often. At first it was tough for me to answer… but as time goes on I’ve figured out exactly why my entire life is based around inspiration.

It’s actually become so deeply embedded into my life that I’ve moved to a place that inspires me. I only follow people on Facebook & Instagram that inspire me. I only read things that inspire me. I only talk to those who inspire me.

It forces my mind to become more creative than ever before.

It forces me to dream larger than I have before.

It forces a positive outlook on life it self.

When you’re surrounded by inspiration every day and it’s basically all you do… It’s tough to become negative.

It’s tough to not be better than you were the day before.

It’s tough to not level up.

It’s tough to not live a better life when you choose to lead an inspirational life.

So what are you waiting for?

