I want to be a failure

Ascent Publication
2 min readNov 14, 2016


All my life I have been conditioned to see people through a tunnel visioned point of view. People who weren’t married with kids by the time they were 30, were failures.

My childhood dreams of traveling the continent by way of hippie van were shot down by a single-minded perspective of success. Artist — failures. Explorers — failures. Anyone who went against the cultural norms is a failure. Moms who weren’t married — failures. Gay people — failures. Tattooed people — failures.

Why should I live a mediocre life because of people’s idea of success? Why not live idealistically and love every person that crosses my path? Why not insight change in people hearts and minds? Why not raise a new generation of free-spirited, open-minded hell-raisers? Why the fuck not? Why not question everything we think we know? Why not question the people who made us believe that we “couldn’t” do something?

I am done with cultural norms and ideas of success.

Come talk to me about how successful you are when you have a boring desk job, dead marriage, and daycare kids.

You will find me years from now a “failure”. A happy “fuck up”. A glorious mess of a “burnout”. And then you will be wishing you were a failure too.

Twitter: maddiemeyers16

Instagram: maddiemeyers16

