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I Won a Million Dollars in the Lottery

So, Now What?

Nicole Policarpio
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018


Okay, I didn’t. But what if I did?

I buy lottery tickets twice a month cause they make me happy. I’m ecstatic every time I hold a ticket thinking that even at the slightest chance I can win. The anticipation until the draw date excites me.

Thinking about all the money I can possibly possess, when I win, gives me a warm smile inside. I often have this theoretical conversation with my friends about what we’re going to do with that load of money.

What are you gonna do with a million dollars?

I often ask them, then I ask myself.

Now that I have all the money in the world, what do I want to do?

It’s that lifelong question that we all ask ourselves — only a lottery ticket can make me visualize it as clear as day. With a lottery ticket, that vision becomes vivid — I could grasp it with my hands. Happiness is near. It’s that small chance of winning that, even if I lose, makes me think about the things that I truly want.

Betting in the lottery is a good exercise. It makes me think about my dreams and aspirations, and I start to question myself every month what I want in life.

When I win the lottery, I want to:

  • Travel the world
  • Build a thriving business
  • Write a book
  • Take a vacation
  • Buy a house
  • Drive my dream car

But then I need to wake up from my dream and face the truth that winning the lottery is super small — negligible. I’m better off doing something today that will take me a step closer to my dreams.

I have a lot of things I want to do. Sure, I need a lot of money to achieve those dreams, but I can start somewhere to materialize those goals.

Travel the world. I can start traveling locally and start exploring my home country. Flying to the other side of the world may come later when I have the money I need. Traveling is not about the destination, but it’s about the experience I’ll have in those adventures.

Build a thriving business. What’s stopping me from this? Steve Jobs didn’t wait to win the lottery to start Apple, and neither did all the other successful entrepreneurs. Do I need millions just to start?

Write a book. Okay, this is stupid, cause I don’t need money to make this happen. I need to learn the rudiments of writing and give my best in writing every day.

Take a vacation. This is as easy as taking time to have a date with myself every week. Finding time for vacation doesn’t need to be a whole year, I can start with thirty minutes to a couple of hours and work my way into months.

Buy a house and dream car. By the time I start doing the things I love, I guess that will be the time I’ll be able to buy these things.

Turns out, not winning the lottery still did something useful to me. It made me realize that I can start the things that I want to do.

I live my life thinking that I should amass all the money in the world to start with my real life; to start doing the things that I love and I dream of. Buying a lottery ticket keeps me grounded and reminds that I don’t need all the money to make it happen.

As cliche as it may sound — the best things in life are free.

Buy that lottery ticket today and visualize the kind of life you want to live. Free yourself from the thinking that you need all the money in the world — cause you don’t.

Talk to you soon my friend.

