If You Develop This One Trait, You Can Create A Personal Connection With Anyone

Sami Rusani
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2019


Genuine connection has become a lost art.

People would rather fire off an email, wear out their thumbs texting, or Snapchat from across a Starbucks than speak face-to-face. Technology makes it so easy for people to become distant and dissociated that even those who used to be masters of in-person communication are getting rusty.

But personal connection isn’t a skill anyone should be so willing to lose.

Because whether you’re giving an impromptu sales pitch or trying to make friends in a bar, your ability to connect is something other people can sense. It’s what makes you memorable and magnetic. Employers and recruiters have known that for years — which is why soft skills like listening and communication are often prized more than technical skills.

To be perfectly honest, though, I wasn’t always the best communicator. In fact, I had a bad time looking people in the eye and carrying on a conversation when I was younger. It took years of practice before I became confident enough to talk with anyone, anywhere.

It was a long road to get to where I am today, but it began simply enough.

I started showing people I was genuinely interested in what they had to



Sami Rusani
Ascent Publication

Strategist, investor, advisor & board member. I love #AI, #blockchain and wine. Seeker of wisdom, traveling man. I’m also pretty tall.