If you don’t want to put in the work then stop complaining.

Lev Karasin
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJul 30, 2016

With a precise regiment you can avoid all sorts of health problems by just putting in all the right stuff in you. Just think of how many kids get a piss poor start in life without strong bodies and go through life with problems that they could not avoid on their own“.

This was a statement made by someone who just had a newborn.

I got ignited on this subject and decided to leave the post I was writing to write this one.

So let’s get into it.

“What goes in must come out” This saying holds true for everything we do.

Put junk into your body, and your body will have a tough time processing that junk. Fill your mind with negative information and guess what you will think negatively about your outcomes. (This is why I would discourage you from reading or watching the news when you wake up or before you go to bed.)

Throw a ball up in the air and it will come down, gravity.

This may sound like a rant, and in some parts it will be.

What I don’t agree with is people who complain. Miserable about their results yet, they fail to be miserable about the decisions they make.

You decided to eat chips and ice cream before bed well don’t expect to have a flat stomach and no face acne. Okay, maybe some of us are just dealt a shitty hand in life and these things we cannot avoid, looking fat and having acne. It’s the genes right? So who is left to blame?

Being conscious about your intake is not only beneficial to you more importantly it becomes beneficial to your offspring’s too. So why are you selfish? Why are you polluting your health and worst of all expecting good results from your actions?

“Your actions speak louder than words“

We always hear this saying, we hear it because it is true. Sitting on the couch eating junk and going out to smoke cigarettes then talking about going to the gym next week and quitting smoking on the first of January. Your actions speak louder than words.

Watching reality T.V. shows and playing video games while saying how you will own a business and become super successful. Your actions speak louder than words.

So what about those people that take care of themselves and do everything that is “right”, will get to that in a minute, that still get sick? I don’t have an answer for you. Maybe it was your parents that lived a shitty life or their parents and the genes got passed on to you. I am sorry.

What would our society look like if everyone was conscious about their intake and people were not so concerned about the short term gains?

Unfortunately, we can’t have everyone be good and healthy. Was Charles Darwin wrong? “Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations.” We have survived this long, are we at the tipping point now moving backwards, the weak surpassing the strong? Becoming sicker and weaker?

The weak serve a purpose too in society. Besides eating away at the health care, and the government assistant plans, they serve as good labourers when they are not sick at home bed ridden.

Here comes a very controversial statement, maybe Hitler was on to something.

“Just because your right doesn’t mean people will care or listen. It takes more than being right to earn attention and actions from others.” Seth Godin.

Okay, maybe I went a little far on the efficacy of the above statement. Exterminating all those that are of a different race, color or belief is certainly not the way to make the world a better, stronger, healthier place.

What do I mean doing everything “right”? Or my friend saying to put all the “right” stuff in you?

I would be bias here to tell you that you need to eat your balanced portioned meals, exercise daily, educate and challenge yourself everyday.

That’s my belief, what is yours?

Who cares about my belief or your belief, just don’t complain about the outcome of your actions.

You think I enjoy eating healthy and exercising everyday? You got that wrong. I hate the process. I hate limiting myself and watching what I should eat, why I shouldn’t drink and why I shouldn’t indulge.

What I love is the result. The worst part is it takes what seems like forever to see the result. The moment someone says “your looking good these days” it makes it all worth it. No I am not doing it for anyone else, it is nice to know that not only you feel good but also that it shows that your feeling good.

When you are feeling good and healthy and doing all the “right” things your confidence grows too. Not the cocky type of confidence that I am better than you. We need to distinguish this right now because I think that you think I am judging you. Let’s get this straight, I am not judging what you do. Just don’t complain or be envious of others when you make those poor choices.

If your happy and you don’t complain, then you have won.” Gary Vaynerchuck

The process sucks, did I say that already?

If eating chips and ice cream and drinking everyday made me healthy, then that’s what I would be doing too.

“Nothing worthy happens overnight.”

So if your looking for that quick fix, a hack, a cheat to make yourself healthy while still doing the same things that made you unhealthy than I know where your mindset is and you should know too.

Your mindset has been manipulated, yes, you have been persuaded by the internet hack.

Now, those people who want to teach you about some miracle way of doing things without putting in the actual work are the smart ones. The one’s that put countless of hours into it and are selling you their “7 day wonder package” that will make you look and feel just like them.

You buy that package and nothing happens, then you wonder why?

I’ll tell you why….”Nothing worthy happens overnight.” Put in the work. Have an awareness behind every decision you make and watch your life change.

It begins first with your mindset then followed by your actions.

Thank you for choosing to come down this far, I hope you didn’t skip the middle part where I rant about Hitler and reality T.V. To be continued….

Image copyright by gananci.com

Originally published at karasingroup.com on July 30, 2016.

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Lev Karasin
Ascent Publication

Lev is an avid reader, thinker, philanthropist and investor. He hates writing about himself in the third person, and he is not doing it to seem important. 😉