I’m Following These 4 Habits to Improve My Emotional Health

These daily habits will help you slow down, become self-aware, clear your mind, and regulate your emotions physically.

Dipanshu Rawal
Ascent Publication


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Last week, I graduated as a certified habit coach from coach.me.

My coaching statement is simple — I help people improve their emotional health with simple daily habits.

Let’s explore the four easy habits I recommend my clients follow to improve their emotional health.

Here are a few questions I will answer in this post

  • Does science back up these habits for better emotional health?
  • How soon will you see the results?
  • What has been my experience with this habit?
  • What would be the challenges to follow the habit?
  • How can you get started?

This one habit helps you to slow down: Pause.

Sitting on a chair or wherever, closing your eyes, and simply breathing. Not entertaining any thoughts, and if any thought pops in your head, gently letting it flow and go.

