Improve Your Ability to Focus and Get More Deep Work Done

Your focus is what will set you apart in a busy, distracted world.

Becky Grant
Ascent Publication


“Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!” It’s the washing machine announcing the completion of another cycle.

Even though all my phone notifications are switched off, the household appliances still fill the house with a symphony of electronic sounds.

I look up from my computer. I’d better transfer the laundry to the dryer.

And just like that, the flow of my writing is interrupted.

Have you ever watched a river flowing steadily? Suddenly, the rain starts, dirt turns to mud, and it oozes downhill clogging up the river. The flow stops. Momentarily. The water must find a new and often more circuitous way to continue.

I’m off course now, like the river. My momentum is lost.

The ability to maintain focus is a rare and endangered trait in the modern world. Giving our full attention to something for longer than a few minutes is a challenge. Our brain is unable to tune out the constant distractions and demands for our attention.

Yet, we must nurture our focus, care for it like the rare, exotic beast it is. The ability to focus is an asset. It is what sets us apart from others in a busy…



Becky Grant
Ascent Publication

Coffee-loving, car singing elementary school teacher and mother of boys. Screenstrong Ambassador and parenting blogger.