Introduction to #Critical #Thinking
We humans have a trait that animals don’t have. That is our sixth sense because we think, we are. We have the capability to think and we are using it.
Then what is critical thinking?
To answer this question, let’s look at our upbringing.
We are always taught to obey orders, answer questions, the moment we ask questions back, we were told that we are rude and we should not question elders.
This kind of upbringing has turned us not to ask questions. Instead, when a question is asked we are happy to answer.
To succeed in one’s career, one should develop his capability to ask questions. Shed the inhibition of what others might think about him if he asks questions. The root to asking questions is curiousness, to figure out things which we don’t understand.
This is a key skill for innovation.
Growth will happen only where there are people that are curious about things and keep asking questions until they get the answer.
This skill is called Critical Thinking.
We will go in depth on this topic in my future posts.