Is “Self Help” Worth It?

Cole VanDeWoestyne
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2017

Is The “Self Help” All Hype? Or Is It Beneficial…

First I want to start by having you picture something in your mind for me. You see a boy small boy. He is maybe 10 or 11 years old. He’s considered the school bully, he’s mean, doesn’t say a lot of nice things and you’ve never seen this child smile. He probably has his fists clinched, has that mean look in his eyes. He instills fear into everyone who walks by him.

Not a very nice image is it?

Now let’s picture a small boy who is the same age. This boy is different, He’s smiling, laughing and joking with other children. Maybe he enjoys reading or spending time at the park with all of his friends. He loves to smile and give high fives out.

This is a much better image right?

Now imagine this in your every day life, if you had the choice between being unhappy, sad, worried, anxious, unfulfilled… or you could be happy, fulfilled, confident, successful.

I know I’m painting this out to be very black and white. I understand it isn’t exactly a flip of a switch and you can have all of these things.

Wouldn’t you agree that the process of becoming a better version of yourself puts you in a better spot than you are today?

My entire life changed after I dove head first into self help books, programs, seminars, videos..etc. I’ve invested thousand and thousands of dollars and countless hours improving myself and my life.

I’m not saying you have to do anything or that diving into self help will fix your life. I am saying that the process of growing and becoming a better version of yourself every single day is a reward within it self.

So what do you think?

Cole VanDeWoestyne

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