Is This Simple Word the First Step to Most Things You Want in Life?

Dr. Louise Schriewer
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018

I don’t believe in magic pills, “hypey” solutions or cookie-cutter formulas.

But I think I recently managed to identify the closest thing to a magic pill (hooray! )

It’s the solution to a lot of challenges I see my clients and other people struggle with (stress, lack of focus, overwhelm…).

Not only that, it may well be the first step to most things you want in life.

And while it’s not exactly easy, it’s so simple that even a two-year-old can do it.

Especially a two-year-old!


It’s actually a magic word. ✨

No, it’s not Abracadabra.

It’s much easier to pronounce.

The magic word is:


(Or “non,” “nein” or whatever the equivalent is in the language you most often use.)

That’s right.

“No” is the closest thing to a magic pill I’m aware of.

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

Do you want to be super-productive at work?
Begin by saying “no” to the things that are wasting your time. (Of course, avoiding all of them is often not possible but even a little can go a long way.)

Do you want to start a new business?
Begin by saying “no” to the things that take up your time and distract you from focusing on it. (This could include Social Media etc.)

Do you want to find the right person to be with?
Begin by saying “no” to the wrong people. (This may first require figuring out how to tell what category someone falls into.)

You might wonder what makes the word “no” so powerful.

I think it is because it’s connected to priorities. By consciously saying “yes” and “no,” you can build a life based on your priorities.

So, why are priorities so crucial?

Well, today, many people have more freedom than at any other time in history — both in their personal and professional life.

However, if you have an overwhelming number of options and no idea which one to choose, freedom of choice turns into a prison.

True freedom comes from being clear on your priorities in life.

That’s why priorities are one of the three key elements behind my work with people who want to change their lives. You can read about the other two principles here, if you’re interested.

The bottom line?

Your “no” protects your “yes.” By saying no to what matters less, you make space for what matters most.

Related reading:

This article was first published on the Work You Love Coach Blog.



Dr. Louise Schriewer
Ascent Publication

Work Happiness Wizard for passionate souls & purpose-seekers. Lawyer/academic turned professional wizard (I mean, coach...).