It’s Hard to Give Up the Pursuit of Justice

But sometimes it’s about surviving.

Lee Serpa Azevado
Ascent Publication


At its height, the organisation I helped build was international.

We had a head office in London and a satellite office in Ontario, Canada. Via our social media outlets, we had an international reach to millions.

We had a radio station, a helpline, a support group and a healthy number of followers online. We were also in discussion with a group of filmmakers for the production of a documentary. We already had the script.

As an organisation, we grew. And we grew fast.

I co-founded this organisation with people like me. Parents affected by a flawed family justice system.

A so-called justice system that allows a form of abuse to go on. Unchallenged within the family court arena.

It is a very contentious and multifaceted issue. It is something that is referred to as parental alienation.

In brief, it is both the process and the result of psychological manipulation. To the extent, that a child expresses unjustified hostility or even complete rejection towards a parent. See here for a full description.

There are many pioneers of work and research within the field of parental alienation. Such experts are advocating…



Lee Serpa Azevado
Ascent Publication

Scribbler of stuff, psychotherapist, giant punsexual, pronouns: fee-fie/foe-fum. Mental health(y), humo(u)r, politic(k)s and other such no(n)sense.