It’s the Journey that Matters

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2018

There has been a rumor floating around for a while now, that this thing called success comes overnight, easy, or with minimal effort!

You know; make $200 just by downloading this app! Or, all you have to do is buy a bunch of unnecessary crap, and get cash back immediately!

All of these are fine and dandy — but are you getting fulfillment with downloading, and using someone else’s application? Making $1 for every 10 or 20 people that you get to download it, or join your team?

Don’t get me wrong at all; there are certain apps that are beneficial, and that actually help the customers and representatives — but to no avail… you’re not rich.

Build Something that has Meaning

Getting rich, wealthy — whatever you want to call it; is no easy task. It takes YEARS of building, sweat equity, relationships, money and time. But time is the most expensive… that’s why people don’t waste it on actually building something. They want the “NOW” satisfactions. Kind of like a high paying job.

The high paying job, takes care of things right now and gives you the satisfaction of having nice things for the short term. But what about if/when you lose that high paying job? You think the foundation it was built upon will crumble? I can probably bet my last dollar it’ll still be standing — and the CEO will still have his wealth and riches, circulating around. That’s why it’s imperative to start building things you know will still stand. Because, let’s be honest — you’re not firing yourself!

Embrace Failures Like a Newborn

Ah, that word fail. That word used to give me chills and make me sick to my stomach. But now I hear the word fail, and automatically think, opportunity.

There was once upon a time, (a long time ago), when I thought failure was a sure way of defeat. That because I failed, I wasn’t worthy to keep going. I know we have all had that feeling; you’re lying through your teeth if you say you haven’t. But as I kept reading, kept watching other successful individuals, and implementing what they said — I found out that, although it isn’t necessarily fun to fail, it is most definitely a necessity!

Failure is very much a part of the journey.

How man inventors do you think failed hundreds of times, before they got their invention right? How many people got ripped off by patent companies, and their ideas stolen, and couldn’t do anything but watch? I was one of those people that got my invention ripped off by a company — but I’m right here writing to you today, telling you that it is a necessity for growth! I have grown since the incident, and continue to grow, because I know this is not my final destination… my bus driver is still speeding through obstacles and I’m grateful for failure.

It’s Not a Race

There is no finish line to success. A lot of individuals want to hurry up and be successful… for what? If your goal is generational wealth, like mine, then sure let’s try and speed it up… but if your main goal is just to become rich; when you reach the line, then what? You’re going to have everything you need, and get bored. There is not going to be anything to work for anymore. Enjoy the journey.

I can’t express how much I want to get rich right now! But I have also realized that I want people to know that I have struggled, and I am proud of that. Dumb decisions, lead to wise outcomes. I’m not the fastest runner — but I’m also not trying to be. I want to enjoy the sprint.

Most People are Going Nowhere Fast

There are a lot of humans with no goals in life. They are spinning their wheels everyday, doing the same thing, and gaining no traction. It’s not their fault!

They were brought up in a way that they didn’t know any better, and thought that living the life they live, is the life they want. Only reason they chose that life, is because that’s what they’re accustomed to and all they’ve seen… thus, making it “the norm” for them.

But they also have the power to change their circumstances and outcome of life. But we are also in an era where information is abundant, but ignorance is bliss, and easy! It’s easy to keep doing the same thing — because it feels good to not grow, and to stay the same.

But if you’re like me… you know there’s much more to life than living like the rest.

I am on a quest!

ENJOY THE JOURNEY… It doesn’t last forever.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.