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It’s Time We Stopped Playing The ‘Blame Game’

And it’s time we started taking responsibility for our own problems.

Jon Peters
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2019


I sat down to write yesterday morning, and my mind came up blank. When that happens, I peruse the likes of Twitter, BBC News, etc, in the hope I’ll come across something that will flick on the lightbulb deep in dark corners of my grey matter. It was as I scrolled through The Independent’s homepage, that I saw the following article:

If it isn’t apparent from that title, the World Health Organisation is arguing that dating apps such as Tinder are to blame for an increase in the number of sexually transmitted infections. I don’t want to spend too much time focusing on this. Believe it or not, my passion for writing wasn’t ignited at the thought of discussing sexually transmitted infections. My issue with this particular article is the apportioning of blame where it doesn’t belong.

Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, whichever app tickles your pickle, it doesn’t matter. These apps are designed to bring people together. Yes, it might be for sex. But STI’s…



Jon Peters
Ascent Publication

I write about writing, self-help, personal finance. Pretty much anything that tickles my pickle. Sometimes I even know what I'm talking about.