
Cole VanDeWoestyne
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2017

Only if you want to be successful.

The idea sprung to me this morning as I sit here and get back into publishing my inspirational articles.

As I sit here in California getting ready to head to my job in Beverly Hills for the day the thought had occurred.

You were dreaming for this just a few months ago, now it’s just life.

A lot of times we take a massive leap of faith and overcome a massive fear and then we are back to the normal grind. That initial bit of fear scares us, but doesn’t keep us scared.

You have to keep jumping.

A life of overcoming fear and growing is a life of fulfillment.

You must jump.

Once you make that jump your parachute doesn’t open right away. You fall for awhile, sometimes days or weeks or years.

Eventually your parachute will open and you’ll be able to soar.

You can’t soar if you don’t jump.

You can’t be truly fulfilled if you don’t overcome fear.

So what are you waiting for?


