Leapers, Planners & the Career Pivot

Both approaches can work. Here’s the evidence.

Andrew Levine
Ascent Publication


Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash

Over the past three years, I’ve interviewed 92 men and women who have made successful career pivots. The group includes an investment banker who is now a public-school teacher, a financial-planner-turned-historical-interpreter, an executive recruiter who transitioned to standup comedy, and a corporate lawyer who now works as a Methodist Minister.

Without exception, they have all found more rewarding and purpose-driven lives in a second act. Their stories are profiled in 15–20 minute episodes on the Second Act Stories podcast, a passion project of mine.

As I look back at the hundreds of hours I’ve spent interviewing these spirited individuals, a simple observation emerged. When pursuing a second act, there are “planners” and there are “leapers.” While top career experts consistently advocate for the “planning” method, my interviews suggest that a “leap and the net will appear” approach can prove equally effective. Let’s take a closer look at each group:

The Planners: Testing the Waters First

The planners are the larger group representing about 80 percent of the individuals I’ve interviewed. Over an extended period of time, they have grown frustrated with their jobs and careers…



Andrew Levine
Ascent Publication

Check out my publication — https://medium.com/second-act-stories — highlighting inspiring people who have made big career changes in pursuit of meaning.