Learn Learn Learn Learn Learn

Haikal Satria
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017

There are so many things to learn.

I can open my Medium, and be attacked by a flurry of new articles. Articles that talk about how to be a successful blogger. Articles that list down the things my successful friends have given up. Articles that discuss the Syrian conflict.

I can open Youtube, and watch a 7 minute breakdown of the Venezuelan collapse. Or maybe I’m feeling a bit artsy, and watch the dissection of a Louis C.K joke. Or maybe, I’m leaning a bit more into my geekiness, and watch a quick explanation of the difference between a JPEG, BMP, GIF, and PNG.

I can go through my small home library, and find a book on why humans are irrational and why we make irrational decisions. If I look further, I find books that showcase the economics of the drug dealing market. Look further still, and I find books that talk about the poorest of the poor in the United States.

I dive headfirst into these books, videos, and articles.

There are 7 billion people living today on our planet. Even if only 1% shared their knowledge with the world, that’s already 70 million different individuals, each with their own experiences and knowledge to teach and share with others.

Learn from them.

Knowledge is widely available, especially now. Everything is online, and almost everything is free. Books, movies, videos, paintings, articles, music, academic papers, the whole shebang. There are literally no barriers between you and a vast ocean of knowledge.

In my opinion, no tidbit of information is useless. They might not be immediately impact your life, but one day down the road they’ll definitely have a use, whether that be as an answer to a quiz or as an conversation starter.

Learning is not necessarily a pursuit to be smart, or to be intellectually superior to others. It’s a way to understand the world better, and a way to improve yourself. It’s a pathway to become a better teacher, a better coach, and even a better writer.

Want to know why? Because the more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you write.

So instead of being glued to your screen scrolling through the infinity feed, try reading an article on 31 ways to be more creative.

Instead of watching another React video, spend those 10 minutes learning about the Middle Eastern crisis.

Read whatever you want. Only exception to this rule.

Everything you’ve wanted to know in life is available for free, no strings attached.

All you have to do is learn about it.

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