Learning to Put Structure Within Chaos…Mystic Path Continues

Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2018

When I started this Mystic path, I thought the letting go of structure would be the toughest part and I would struggle with it for a long time. Little did I know how wrong I was.

Life always manage to have a way of telling me what I think I know is barely scratching the surface. It’s hard to swallow sometimes but maybe that is what pushes us forward to grow. If we all knew the things we must endure in order for us to reach whatever destination, most people would probably never even start.

The truth is, not everything is about the end. Its every step that we take, every thought, moment, and breath that pieces together our journey. It’s going through the process of things and learning to just show up and try to enjoy each moment as if it was the destination.

the heart knows while the mind wants.

Finding peace within the chaos was just the first step. A step that required me to let go and dissolve my ego’s desires and constantly realign myself with the divine. It’s a reoccurring process that keeps testing and testing until you get it right — perhaps you may even call it karma. It’s frustrating because the heart knows while the mind wants. A constant struggle between conventional values and that which I understand as the greater Truth.

The journey continues…

So I walk on, after a period of coming into the know. The next phase in this path is structure within the flow. The hardest part is being receptive while holding structure. Imagine a canteen made of leather, soft yet durable, able to hold structure and contain the water, but also able to flow within water and shape itself to the current.

Like the small sailboat treading through the vast oceans and tides, too much control or force on a windy day will break the sail, not enough and you are at the mercy of the currents. It’s striking that balance between control within a greater context of chaos.

You’re probably wondering, how is it different from what “normal people” in society do in terms of setting goals?

Depending on the type of person, most people are locked into the linear path to their goal, it’s like trying to hammer a nail into a piece of steel . This brute force becomes the egoistic will which wishes to impose it’s will onto the universe irregardless of external circumstances.

As a Mystic, we learn to bend if necessary and even let go of those things that are not aligned with the higher forces of ourselves. At first, I thought it would be all chaos, but rather, the chaos is there to help me understand fluidity and flexibility. Learning to adapt to the changing winds and tides so I am able to better navigate through the waters of the unseen will of the universe.

Structure is the key to this lesson

If structure was necessary to begin with, why was it that I needed to let o of all structures in the first place. The old structures were not made to withstand changes and is simply an imposition of my own will. The new structures that I need will be a co-creating force with the universe. It required this structure to be sturdy yet flexible, be the container as to allow for things to manifest in this physical realm.

Imagine standing by a river trying to gather water, a solid fixed shape container would mean much more resistance when put under water while a leather canteen can both float or hold water still. The water becomes what we try to manifest and the container is the steps toward manifesting those intentions.

It’s not easy, especially for me, to build structure within chaos. To keep order while remaining receptive to the universe. Balance has been something difficult for me through my life. The lessons often pertain to going into the extremes to slowly adjust for the middle path. Perhaps this is simply the wisdom of the Dao.



Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Ascent Publication

Exposing the darkness with the light of love. Creating a reality that is fitting for you. Awareness, perception, change, and growth. http://jenniferping.com