Living a meaningful life

mohammedshazeb khan
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2019
“you get one life but many opportunities “(

Whether you are a religious person, an agnostic, atheist, flat-Earth believer (highly doubt that) regardless you are no stranger to the idea that life is time-bound. Life has and always will have a time limit, that’s no reason to be depressed or anxious about, it’s natural, and I’m here to tell you that the concept of mortality is useful in ways you never thought about. By the end of a skim of paragraphs ahead, you will have gained a new perspective, a renewed sense of motivation and a newfound meaning in life, take a deep breath and read on!

1. You’re not incompetent, just distracted

‘your notifications can wait ‘

In the words of the famous philosopher/psychoanalyst Carl Jung :

“who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens”

whenever I talk about nowadays I usually use the term information age but a more accurate replacement would be the ‘distraction age’. Distractions are everywhere and we don’t realize it but they are one of the largest hindrances towards goals and ambitions. Social media is the largest culprit, responsible for driving millions of people as online traffic on their websites, apps, and networks, but it’s not their fault you’re distracted.they are achieving their desired purpose the question is…

Are you achieving yours?

*Key takeaway: Master the art of filtering unnecessary information, serve your agendas instead of others.

2. Motivation? What better than mortality

mortality motivation is all you need

Death is the only certainty of life and everything else is uncertain. So instead of thinking about what someone will say or what will happen or panicking needlessly , what you need to do is to seriously think about how to spend the limited amount of time you have in this world to further your ambitions or something you’re passionate about or something that you want to pursue regardless of any external circumstances . Deadlines pace us, tests and exams pace us, and so should the idea of mortality; the fact that your time is limited. Go for what you want in life because… what would you do if you had only one chance to do it.

*Key takeaway: You will be motivated to do what you want if you live every day like it’s your last.

3. Cutting negativity, not carbs

lose the negativity before thinking about losing weight

Whoever said love is in the air? it is not. It is full of negativity, everyone is negative, and what else is everyone thinking about? that’s right, cutting carbs. You need to get rid of negative people in your life, simply put you need to think about people in the long run, are they necessary or are they just draining you up?

Your reality is subjective to your mental state, so what will be your reality if you are filled with negativity and pessimism, that’s right negative. You can cut the carbs peacefully once you’re done cutting negativity, so start with that first.

*Key takeaway: Break the loop, cut the negativity

4. Perseverance is the only superpower you will ever need

“the shine is undeniable, but so is the perseverance”

If you work hard enough things are bound to happen, you don’t need to have an IQ of 160 to know that you can get results by working hard enough. If carbon can become diamond, minerals can become geodes then you can achieve anything if you persevere long enough, you just need to keep going.

By the way, if you don’t know about geodes here is one:

“a blue agate geode, isn’t it beautiful?”

*Key takeaway: Hard work can beat smart work, but only if it works ‘hard enough’.

5. Don’t think too much about ‘thinking’

“think before you act, but act fast”

Do you keep overthinking again and again? That endless loop of clutter that continuously utilizes your mental space. You can plan exceptionally well but you can’t execute, no problem, it's part of human nature.

In the early stages of human life we were constantly at the brink of death, and our ability to spontaneously perceive and react to dangerous situations was necessary for survival, but our brains developed to the level that now we are capable of thinking and analyzing situations instead of just relying on our human instincts so we tend to overthink things .

Meta-cognition (the scientific jargon for thinking about thinking) is one of the unique capabilities of human beings but it can sometimes be a large hurdle while starting something new. So the next time you think about doing something don’t just think about it, act headfirst.

*Key takeaway: The formula is simple

Thought →Action →Reality (with great stress on the ACTION!)


* ”Learn to differentiate between liabilities and opportunities you can have both, but you don’t really need both “


