Life Has a Sense of Humor; So Should You

Don’t grow up. Instead, humor up.

Ascent Publication
4 min readNov 16, 2019


So, there is life, your eternal friend, or however long you may live.

Life is good to you when you are young and cute. There are ladies all around you, kissing and hugging you. You get the best food in the world. People listen to you. They do what you ask them, most of the times, to make you happy.

You want to go for a walk, well, be a cry baby and call out for mommy. Momma’s boy. Pathetic.

Want a new toy? Turn your home into a scary house by shouting all day throughout the house. Make their lives a living hell. They wish death over you but getting a new toy is the right choice anyway because Dad wants to get that tan and dying right now might not fit his calendar.

Time passes.

You grow up.

You are an adult now. You have responsibilities. Oh wait, did you already forget your best friend? Wow. Is that how you treat your buddies? Shame on you.

Don’t worry. Life is not like you. She is loyal and faithful to you. Leaving your side will be the last thing she will do. Like literally THE last thing (if you know what I mean).

Here she comes. To remind you that she is still here. That your life is about to get to a whole new level. You and her were happy and laughing when you were small but now she is serious. She doesn’t laugh at silly jokes. The cartoons you used to watch together don’t intrigue her anymore. Wearing an underwear upside down is childish now. Shooting your brains out is better than asking for money.

It is as if you failed to satisfy her.

The thought of throwing water balloons at random old people makes her cringe. She looks at you in a condescending way. You disgust her. She has become more demanding now. All your attention must belong to her and she will make sure that that happens. Despite your desperate attempts you fail to entice her.

What happened?

Why is she behaving like a b****?

Only yesterday she was your reason to smile and today she wants to play Friday The 13th with you. She was simple and kind, now she is sophisticated and cruel.

She had a straightforward personality in those days and now she has something else — a sense of humor — a wicked sense of humor.

Ghosts were scary at that time. Watching horror movies together was fun because there was nothing as cute as her. But now, even the devil doesn’t scare you, you find him a pretty chilled guy. Instead, life gives you goosebumps. Life scares the crap out of you.

You are tired. You want it to stop. You try to bribe her with whatever you can — vacations, new clothes, gadgets, and so on. She might leave you alone for a day or two, after that, knock knock. You don’t even want to say ‘Who’s there?’

What do you do? What do you do so that it all goes away? What do you do to get more than 2 days of peace?

You grow up.

You finally accept that there is no point in struggling. Life will have its way, by hook or crook. She is like the ‘Indian-Bollywood-movie-wife’ of a dying husband and she will fight goons and kill spirits to bring her husband back to life.

You surrender to her will. As you do, things start to change.

You take things seriously. You wake up early. You do what you don’t want to. You spend your life with a living Frankenstein. You still bribe life or she will become a b**** again.

Life’s tough.

She has her ways. But, is you giving up the solution? Will that make you happy?

I think you know the answer. If you don’t, what am I here for.

The answer is no. Dropping your weapons is not the way. If you want to drop anything, drop a humor bomb on life.

Yes, that is the answer. If life has a sense of humor, so should you. Well, what the hell, I already read that in the title. Don’t despair. The article was fun to read anyway, so, no time wasted. :)

Don’t take things too seriously. That is not what you want to do. That is what life expects you to do. She wants you to be her b****. But, I know that you will not be. You will give life a taste of her own medicine. If she wants to be funny, you will not feel sad or bad. You will smile in her face and play a Do Not Laugh Challenge.

Just show her who is the boss.

Show her who is in control.

Be your own comedian.

Life has a secret weapon that she will use at you once she realizes that she is losing power. What is that weapon you ask?

That is social anxiety.

What will people say?

I guess this question alone has destroyed billions of lives. It has alone killed more dreams than the men in the 2 World Wars combined. You don’t want to be among the dead, do you?

What is worse than being dead? Dying before you die.

Don’t let that happen. ‘Do not go silent in the dark night.’ There is a saying in Hindi, ‘Kuch to log kahenge. Logon ka kaam hai kehna’ It means that people are going to say one or the other thing. It is what they do.

Grab yourself and get up. Life is too short for regrets.

Smile, because you are beautiful. Laugh, because right now is the moment. Live, because you will not live forever.

