Life inside and beyond PTSD.

How I’m learning to thrive, one day at a time, post #metoo

Lalita Ballesteros
Ascent Publication
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


It’s 1:11 and I wanna give thanks…For the food on my plate right now and the deliciousness that is this vegan smoothie. For the hair on my head (and it’s fine AF) and for the ability to speak. To shine. To breathe. To heal. My god I want to give thanks for my ability and drive to heal and to shine.

Sometimes shit gets tough.

There are the storms life throws at us and the ones we create ourselves (borrowed this concept from a client @theresacampbell). And in the midst of this, there’s us.

I’ve heard a lot of talk around trauma the last few days.

I experienced my own deep release of sorts this past week as I continue to heal from PTSI (post traumatic stress injury). So as I give thanks for this body I’m in, I want to let folks know, if you’re struggling, if you don’t feel right in your body…

If your world feels foreign, your body akin to prison or you’re scared to do basic things like leave the house…

I got you. I see you. You can heal from this. You will heal from this. You’re not alone.

There’s a lot of praise and clout that comes from building One’s empire, fame, prestige and fortune included.

But some of us aren’t there yet. For some of us, especially those with active trauma, that road of push and strife and achievement for achievement sake doesn’t work.

I’ve found it aggravates my nervous system and sets me back days, if not weeks, in terms of being a thriving, clear human being who feels safe in her body . It pushes up against the wounds that require space and nudge us toward self compassion and gentleness, attributes we as a collective society are only now learning to accept and value.

So if you’re wondering how to build your empire in the world…

Please know there is a way. It may not be the one plastered on the internet or labeled with “10 ways to get rock hard abs” or that one tried and true method, and that’s ok. Life after trauma, or maybe more accurately described as life as we move away from our traumatic self, involves patience and the creation of a new identity. As we heal, we come to know and create ourselves as new people.

Entire generations, lineages and sects of people carry trauma in their blood and bodies.

We’re not only healing for ourselves; our lives are active healing for the groups we belong to, conciously or not especially the ones less obvious. Because that’s where subtelty lay as well as the deep work. It’s as we heal the misjudgment and wounds that we begin to create space for our true self.

Today I’m grateful because I’m alive and for the moments of healing that bring me to a place of imperfect human strength on a rock of holy fortitude. My strength is in me and extends beyond me. This shall continue to set me free. One day at a time. Keep showing up. You got this.

yo — clap if you like this essay. It’s good vibes + makes me smile!

p.s. I’d love to meet, you. Highlight or comment to say waddup.



Lalita Ballesteros
Ascent Publication

clap if you like the words on the page | Writer | Comedian | Director | feat: TEDx, Forbes, Comedy Bar, Huffpo Etsy | Prev: Seth Godin + Lyft.