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Life Lessons The Movie “Radio” Taught Me

Zach Bruner
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2017


I have always loved movies and to be honest I typically would rather watch a meaningless comedy over any other genre, but also enjoy watching realistic movies that are meant to inspire. Whenever I was in high school, the movie that was the most inspiring was “Radio” starring Cuba Gooding Jr. as “Radio” and Ed Harris as “Coach Jones.” Coach Jones was the head football coach and Radio was a developmentally disabled local that loved collecting and listening to portable radios. Long story short, after Coach Jones found Radio taped up and left in the equipment shed by some of his players, he punished them accordingly. Later, he saw Radio walking by the school and eventually asked him to be the team manager. The events that took place in this movie, good or bad, are the things that changed my perspective on life and made me reflect on whether I was treating people the right way to that point, or not. Overall, I still have plenty to work on, but there were lessons in this movie that I watched for the first time in 2004 that have stayed with me ever since.

1. If you notice someone needs help… step in and help

In this movie, it is obvious to Coach Jones after his players dehumanized Radio and locked him in the equipment shed, that he needed to find a way to reach out to him and make this right. Coach Jones eventually enlists Radio as the team manager and this gives Radio a new purpose and enthusiasm for life. Radio put his heart and soul into helping and cheering on the team. The moral of the story is, we need more people like Coach Jones, who is an example of kindness. We also need people like Coach Jones to show others who are being unkind and cruel, that it will not stand.

Coach Jones’ role in the movie is essential…. he is the man who stuck his neck out there to make sure a wonderful soul, like Radio had a purpose. He also made it clear to his players and the community that he would not tolerate any discrimination. Kudos to people like Coach Jones!

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2. Do not be cruel to others because they are different than you

It’s pretty simple, do not be like some of the football players in this movie and be cruel to someone because he or she is different than you. Encourage people and celebrate the differences among us all. Some of the most inspiring and amazing people that I have ever met have developmental disabilities, so I have learned to try and treat everyone how I’d like to be treated. Before seeing this movie, I may not have been the kindest individual and I still am not, but I think back to the way Radio felt whenever the football players were cruel to him and I try and do everything in my power to never make anyone feel that way.

3. Fight for the underdogs

Stand up and fight for the underdogs. Be a champion for the people that have the hardest battles to fight. Your encouragement and support may be what gets them over the hump. Without the support of Coach Jones, Radio would have never been able to come to school and learn. He saw an underdog and chose to support him.

4. Always fight for what’s right (even if you’re alone)

As the movie goes on it is obvious that some community members are upset with Radio being at school and on the sidelines, but Coach Jones does not put his love of coaching football in front of standing up for what is right in this situation (he eventually steps down as coach). He sees continuing to help Radio as the important thing to do.

Ultimately, Coach Jones saw what was important in life and that’s helping the people who need it most. That specific scene taught me to try and relentlessly fight for what I think is right, even if I’m alone.

I hope to watch this movie with my son someday and I hope he gets as much out of it as I have.



Zach Bruner
Ascent Publication

I am a passionate about being a dad, husband, and educator.