Live To Grind EVERY Single Day

Brandon T Adams
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2018

We should all strive to stay ahead of the learning curves in business and entrepreneurship.

If you build up your influence, credibility, and track record enough and get your name out there, people will start coming to you because they recognize you as an influencer and as an icon.

If it weren’t for the video content that I started releasing a few years ago, I wouldn’t have people reaching out to me asking me to be an advisor or to help them with their businesses.

And, if I didn’t start my podcast show I would have missed out on plenty of opportunities that I wasn’t even aware I could attract.

I had to put myself out there if I wanted to make a name for myself and if I wanted people to recognize ME and all that I have to offer. So… I did just that!

And guess what? I’m still kicking, I’m still going strong, and I’ll never stop pushing myself to create awesome content.

It’s really crazy to look back at my journey up to this point with all that has happened and notice all of the changes in how I communicate, as well as the amazing things that I’ve been able to accomplish.

A lot can happen when you put in the GRIND!

Let me tell you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, the key to success is working your ass off. If you want to become wildly successful, you have to be all in and willing to risk it all.

Dipping your toes in the water is not enough. You need to dive in!

Push yourself to do everything in your power, and know that failure isn’t even an option. There is no Plan B, there’s only your Plan A, so stick with it.

Sure, you will experience dark times, but those little wins that you have will be what keeps you going.

I look back on when I first started out with a phone doing some Facebook Lives, to now having a full six-person camera crew coming in to help film and create a reality TV show.

This kind of shift doesn’t happen overnight, it comes from years of hard work, dedication, helping other influencers, adding value to others, doing favors, attending events, and networking like crazy.

There will be plenty of times where you don’t feel like doing that Facebook Live, or editing those videos, or recording that podcast show, or making those calls, but you have to knock down those doors and do what you need to so that you can make your dreams come true.

You need to live to grind.

Let me also give you this piece of advice. When you get to where you want to be (and beyond), don’t let others downplay your journey. I still hear things like, “Wow, you got so lucky!”

Lucky? Hard work and dedication have nothing to do with luck, and everything to do with sacrifice and persistence.

Let people doubt you and think that you’re crazy because they’re only encouraging you to prove them wrong.

And for the people that belittle you, keep in mind that if what you’re doing were easy, they’d be doing it, too.

Keep your head straight, follow your own intuition, and focus on yourself as well as giving back to the people that inspire and support you.

Everything that you put into yourself and your brand is going to pay off, so stop giving yourself the permission to give up.

Put in the work, put in the time, and put in the damn grind. You got this!




Brandon T Adams
Ascent Publication

Emmy® Award Winning Producer, Founder of Accelerant Media Group, and Executive Producer and Co-Host of the TV Series Success in Your City.