Live Your Best Life by Seeking Adversity

Hardships create the most memorable experiences.

Ryan Porter
Ascent Publication


Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

If you’ve ever gone backpacking, then you know that survival is predetermined by careful planning.

I’m taking a such a trip next month. Here’s my checklist so far

  • Backpack (check)
  • Tent (check)
  • Water filter (check)
  • Mental stability (pending…)

Some people chase money, others chase wild storms on TV, but I prefer to chase memories. They are fuel for me so I can do the things I’m not particularly eager to do, like mundane work tasks.

My memories kept me afloat during the pandemic. I would scroll through my Instagram and remember all the cool sh!t I've done since graduating college. I became jealous of myself by accident.

That being said, I’m ready to fall in love with life all over again.

Content creators should take this with them: experience makes the story.

Hardships take us to the brink.

You’ve probably seen someone post this under an Instagram post:

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” — Neale Donald Walsch



Ryan Porter
Ascent Publication

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators