Living with Chronic Sinusitis, GERD, and Asthma.

Annoying and debilitating

Stephen Sovie
Ascent Publication



I have suffered for some years with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which is sometimes just referred to as acid reflux. The first time I experienced symptoms I was awoken at night with severe chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack. After a visit to the emergency room I was diagnosed with acute gastritis. I had several more episodes in the middle of the night several over the years but I just waited out the pain since I knew what was wrong. Each episode would last about 4 hours, before the pain died down. During this time I subsequently went to a GI specialist and had an upper GI endoscopy. I was diagnosed with GERD and was put on medication to control the acid produced in my stomach.

After many visits to my ENT specialist I underwent the inevitable sinus surgery.

Some time after this diagnosis I quit smoking. I then developed constant post nasal drip, sinus pain, shortness of breath, excessive yawning. It seemed as though I was constantly clearing my throat because of the post nasal drip. After many visits to an ENT specialist I underwent the inevitable sinus surgery. This was absolutely disgusting. I must admit that I did feel better after a few weeks, but I still, however, suffered from sinus problems. Whenever I went from a cold temperature to a…



Stephen Sovie
Ascent Publication

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here,