Losing Motivation Is Not The Same As Giving Up

And how to increase the number of good days

Tuseet Jha
Ascent Publication


It has been a tough year already, and we are only halfway through! It has been 6 months of pure struggle. Just when I find my footing, something comes along to derail me!

In February, it was work.

In March, it was the travel.

In April, it was financial challenges.

In May, it was the twisted ankle from playing football.

In June, it was the Cricket World Cup.

In September, it was travel again.

I have run into trouble more times than I would like this year! I am not blaming anyone for I know how I react and how it affects me, is completely my responsibility.

Every time I gather myself and try to move on with life, the next setback is right around the corner. It is like being washed away when you are trying very hard to stay afloat.

From the outside, it would be hard to tell I am struggling. It would be astonishing to think someone who has a great job, is surrounded by fantastic friends and always has a smile on their face can actually struggle with motivation.

I am not taking anything away from people who are clinically depressed or find it…



Tuseet Jha
Ascent Publication

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | https://tuseetjha.com. | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: https://bit.ly/32Y6qY7