Love: A Feeling or a Choice?

Phillip Morina
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2019


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He sat in my office, hunched over with his arms resting on his knees.

“But I love her.”

As a Therapist, It was something I had heard before when someone is talking about a mistake they made followed by, “but I love her/him.”

“Are you good at it?” I asked him.

He didn’t know how to respond; he just stared blankly at me and asked, “What do you mean?”

I have heard this response in my office for over nine years ago, but it is part of the age-old question.

What is love?

The two most common answers people hear about or read about are that love is a feeling or that love is a choice, and this bothers me. Not because love as a feeling or a choice is wrong or even a bad thing, it’s because it’s not the whole thing.

Perception 1: Love Is A Feeling

A lot of people accept love as a feeling and think nothing more of it. They can feel it in their hearts, and they know when they know. Love isn’t complicated; it’s simple. Look no further than any Disney movie. Just follow your heart.

The Problem With A Feeling

Viewing love as a feeling can be detrimental to relationships that depend on that feeling. The honeymoon effect…



Phillip Morina
Ascent Publication

Marriage and Family Therapist | Owner of | Passionate about relationships & Mental Health | He/Him